get to know me! ❤

Miha Dalaya
2 min readAug 26, 2022


Hello my angels, it’s lovely to meet you!

I thought it would be about time to formally introduce myself. My name is Amisha Dalaya, or Amisha “Miha” Dalaya, my official pen name.

I’ve been writing for nearly 10 years of my life, which began after reading “The Riddle of the Hidden Treasure” by Enid Blyton as a child.

This medium account began in the summer of 2020 during the pandemic when I uploaded the first post: “The alpha lights”, part 1 and part 2 which was originally posted in January 2019 on The Blank Page.

That was the time i finally indulged in my curiosity into writing that would create a collection of over 90 written pieces of short stories, poetry and prose.

Ultimately, this birthed my love for writing with my poetic short story: “These Lonely Cities” in August 2020.

It was that same December that Icreated what became a staple of accomplishment in my life: my official pen-name and Instagram writing account.

On December 15, 2020, i created my alias “Miha” alongside my new instagram page, what was originally called “miha_cozycorners”.

Eventually it turned into my heartfelt collection of written pieces, more commonly known as “mi.haloes”.

As writers, Ibelieve that we understand that each of our writing journeys are unique to our own experiences. It’s more than a way to express ourselves, it becomes a part of us when we finally allow our inner-selves to open up to the flow and authenticity of literature and our own emotions.

I hope this helps you to get to know me.

Additionally, I would love to get to know you! Feel free to connect with me over Medium or Instagram, I’m always ready to meet more wonderful people and writers. I hope you have a wonderful time and day until then! ❤



Miha Dalaya

I am Amisha Dalaya! You may have caught on… my pen name is “Miha”. (